Parent Echo Gradebook Viewing Instructions
Posted on 09/21/2020
View Echo Gradebook

Learn how to view your students grades in Echo Gradebook by viewing the instructions below.

You have the option of following the step-by-step screenshot instructions, or watching the screencast (see number five).

  1. Login to your Canvas Observer account here: Use the Alternative login tab.
    canvas log in
  2. When you are logged on, do NOT hit the view grades button on the right hand side.
    do not hit grades
  3. Instead, you will need to click on each course tile to find the corresponding grade for that course. Once you have clicked a course tile, you should see the Echo Gradebook option on the left side menu.
    echo gradebook
  4. From here, you will see how your student is performing on each School Wide Learning Outcome, their overall grade and their grades on each assignment.
    School Wide Learning Outcome
  5. This link will take you to a screencast showing you how to access your child’s grades.