DVCA Advisory Board

The DVCA Advisory Board is a group of stakeholders (DVCA staff, DJUSD staff, parents, students and community members) that meets once per month throughout the school year to discuss ongoing school improvement. If you would like to share comments, suggestions or ideas with the DVCA Advisory Board, you can email them at [email protected]. Below is an excerpt from the DVCA Charter that describes the duties, responsibilities, and composition of the DVCA Advisory Board. 

Ultimate control over DVCA shall be vested in by the Governing Board of the Davis Joint Unified School District and/or its designee. The DJUSD Governing Board or its designee retains the right and authority to review, approve, revise, modify, amend or revoke any action, decision or recommendation of the DVCA School Advisory Board or DVCA Principal, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Preparation of the school's annual budget.
  • Evaluation of the DVCA Principal and/or release from his/her administrative position.
  • Review of the DVCA curriculum, instructional methods/strategies, and instructional calendar.
  • Selection of student assessment practices beyond those mandated by applicable state law.
  • Participation in the selection, hiring, evaluation and retention of all staff.
DVCA’s governance committee will be the Site Advisory Board. The Site Advisory Board’s composition will include at least nine members including the principal as well as representation from staff, students, parents and community members. The DJUSD Associate Superintendent of Business Services shall also be a member of the Site Advisory Board. The Site Advisory Board will be appointed by the DVCA Principal, subject to the approval of the DJUSD Superintendent, except for parent representatives who shall be elected by the parents of pupils enrolled in DVCA. The Site Advisory Board has developed a set of governance procedures that document the Site Advisory Board’s composition, terms of office, officers, committees, meeting dates, and decision making procedures. The Site Advisory Board developed the above-referenced policies in consultation with the school's principal and with support of parent Boosters. These policies will continue to clarify and define the specific roles and responsibilities of the principal, the governance team and other school staff and stakeholders. The Site Advisory Board may periodically revise its governance procedures, subject to review and approval by the DJUSD Governing Board or its designee.