Temporary Entrance Closure
Posted on 03/17/2022
entrances to campusGood afternoon DVHS families,

The Tech Hub Construction Project continues to move forward at a rapid pace. We are approaching a key step in the process, the installation of the updated electrical service. Completion of this work requires that the entrance to campus between the preschool program and the East end of the A-Wing be closed for an undetermined amount of time (see the red X in the graphic below). This is the entrance just behind the green Da Vinci High School marquee. This means there will only be two locations for ingress and egress of students – through the main office and along the bike corral in the West side parking lot (see the green arrows in the graphic below). Upon return from Spring Break, students will need to enter campus through these two locations. Students will be receiving this message in their classes today and tomorrow. DVHS Staff and members of the Otto Construction Team will be out front upon return from Spring Break to assist students.

Best regards,

Tyler Millsap
Principal, Da Vinci Charter Academy