Cash for College Virtual Workshop
Posted on 11/10/2022
Cash for CollegeWhen: November 15 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

CFC ZOOM LINK and list of documents to bring to the workshop, click here.
FSA ID link for student and parent to sign the FAFSA or CADAA, click here.
OPT-OUT FORM, click here.
To learn more about AB 469, click here.

Can't make it to the Davis workshop?  There are more Cash for College Workshops and Webinars Available!
For a list of additional Cash for College workshops click here. You can also attend a Cash for College webinar to get help completing your financial aid application!    For dates and to sign up, click here.

Free FAFSA Help
Get Schooled wants to help you complete the FAFSA!  Text #FAFSA to 33-55-77 and a college advisor will help you complete your FAFSA, answer questions, and offer additional resources to help you secure financial aid for college.