Independent Study
In instances, wherein attendance is impacted, students may request Independent Study for a minimum of one day and up to a maximum of fifteen days in a school year. Students cannot exceed ten consecutive days of Independent Study. Independent Study may be granted or refused by the school administration based upon academic standing, past attendance, and other criteria.
Steps for Requesting Independent Study:
- Pick up Independent Study Packet from Debbie Martin in the DVHS office one week prior to anticipated absence.
- Schedule time to meet with your teachers in order to complete the Independent Study Packet, including:
- Return complete packet to Debbie Martin in the DVHS office prior to departing on Independent Study for photocopying and administrative approval.
- Return Independent Study Packet with all completed coursework to Debbie Martin in the DVHS Office in accordance with the timeline below:
- One day of Independent Study – due upon first day return to school
- Two days of Independent Study – due within two days of return to school
- Three to Ten days of Independent Study – due within three days of return to school
- Conference with each teacher upon return to school to receive verification of the percent of work completed with teacher signature on the Independent Study Checklist and return this form to the office. The final Independent Study Checklist must be completed and submitted to Debbie Martin in the DVHS Office within one week of returning to school.
- Completed Independent Study Packets with completed coursework allow for a student to maintain his or her progress in courses and will not receive negative impacts to attendance. Incomplete Independent Study packets and/or incomplete coursework will result in loss of course credit and negative impact to attendance.