i-Ready Assessments
Posted on 01/05/2022
i-Ready LogoTo support student learning and growth, DJUSD is administering a diagnostic formative assessment known as i-Ready to all elementary and secondary students in the fall, winter and spring.  i-Ready is an online program that provides accurate data to measure student academic progress in order to help teachers better understand student strengths and areas for growth, personalize learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. This data is not intended to label students and will not be a part of a student’s report card. It will help teachers adjust and modify instructional practices in response to student needs. 
To learn more about the iReady program, please visit the news story on our DJUSD website and the i-Ready FAQ page

The i-Ready Assessments at Da Vinci High School will take place on January 19th and 20th. Please see the schedule below.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Staff Collaboration: 8:00 am ‐ 8:45 am
Student schedule begins at 8:53 am

 Period  Start  End
 2  8:53  9:51
 Break  9:51  10:01
English i-Ready Testing  10:01 11:41
 Lunch 11:41 12:23
 4 12:29 1:30
 6 1:36 2:34

Thursday, January 20, 2022
 Period  Start  End
 1  8:15  9:13
 3  9:19 10:20
 Break 10:20 10:30
Math i-Ready Testing 10:30 12:20
 Lunch 12:20  1:02
 5  1:06  2:06
 7  2:12  3:10